Thursday, September 24, 2009

Google Tools

I tried Google books tool. It is very useful.
I am taking a psychology class, in which several academic books ware recommended today.
I wanted to read them, but because I can't afford them, I almost gave up.
But when I tried searching with this tool, one of the books was found.
I can read almost the whole book on the Internet for free. It's really amazing.

ARW/RCA progress

They are difficult. I can't read them without my dictionary, though that might be obvious.
However BN's instructors, Susan and Hiroshi, are very helpful.
I would not have managed to understand the contents without thier help, either.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. My name is Takayuki IMAEDA.
I am from section BN. BN is a very friendly section.
I like playing shogi and reading books. I don't belong to any club.